
Day 18 - Plans/dreams/goals you have

You may have recalled from a previous post my goals for 2011. One has offically been meet: get a new job. The rest are being worked on.

I have decided I need to travel this year though, also enjoy being outside every minute I can. With my new job I can't really take a lot of time off so I will be creative, but here is the plan:

  • Get a Lagoon Season Passport

  • Disneyland! (end of June)

  • YSA activity (end of July...kind of forced to go with the calling and all but I will get to try new things and enjoy a vacation..)

  • Arizona to visit two of my best friends who live there (end of September)

Thats the plan and I am going to do everything in my power to do these things! oh yeah!

TO COME IN THE NEAR FUTURE: A great book review and finally pictures of me with my shorter hair...even though it is pretty much grown out but i will post pictures!

...Sorry about the spacing on this post, I don't know how to fix it.

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