
Jones Family Reunion 2011

Earlier this month we had our first Jones Family Reunion. It was really fun! My Dad, the great man he is, decided it would be a good thing for our family and I think it was so he put it all together. About 1/3 of the family is missing but we still had a pretty good turnout. I missed my Jessica though :). Each family was suppose to where the same color shirt for the big family photo... As you can see below the Jones family can be stubborn.

I got designated as the photographer, which I never mind!

(all smiles)

(all funnies)

(all serious...expect Kassie with her hand over her mouth, I love it!)

My Dad put together a variety of games for the little ones to play. The favorite was the doughnut game. And the best pictures!!

We played a guess who game with all the cousins and learned some great things about each other and had yummy food. How much better could it be! Until next year, and I know my photography skills will be even better!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Fun seeing all the pics! I took the ones with us in it!! I love love the doughnut one of mia!