

Emett was Rambo for Halloween so I stole his idea!
Me and my mom the Nun. Funny story....so this little girl came trick or treating to my parents and my mom answered in her nun outfit and I guess when she was leaving she turned to her dad and said 'I thought they were LDS...I thought I smelled smoke in their house'! Funniest thing ever...I guess my mom is a smoking, married Nun! :)
I was Rambo/2pac...don't ask how it turned into that!
My military solute.
We got to dress up at work.


Lauren said...

You look so cute! Looks like you had a fun Halloween. :) That story about your mom is so funny! I can totally see it. You're mom is cute.

Melissa said...

Your costume is awesome, Melanie. Your nephews are so darling. That story about your mom is hilarious!!

Kari said...

I'm glad to see I made it on your blog! I don't think I got that pic of us with my camera, so you'll have to email it to me.

Ryan and Heidi said...

You look hot! As always! Your nephews are so stinkin cute!

Ally and Chris Johns said...

Cute costume Mel.. I love that your mom was a nun! I hope I see you soon.. It already has been a while!

The Hicken's said...

Hello Melanie it's Stephanie Hicken I found your blog from Carly's and just wanted to say hi!!