
I've got the Blue's...

So a couple weeks ago I added some Blue extensions in my hair. It was hard to get pictures of it...it looks better in person. Normally I don't have my hair curly like this but when I finally got around to taking pictures it was (makes it a little harder to see the hair, hence the picture of it straighten below). I love it so much...I love having something a little different, its pretty rad!


Kari said...

The new do is fun! Too bad it kinda limits what ya wear huh? Ya gotta match the hair right?! I remember any time I've had red or pinkish in my hair, fun but hard to dress.
That Relationship quote is a good one!

Shauna Spendlove said...

Ooo I love it!! =) That is really cute on you! I love all the new pictures! Hope you are doing good in all that snow! =) Love you!

Palmers said...

I like it Mel. Awhile ago I did the same thing but it was pink and I loved it. Seeing yours makes me want to do it again:) Your hair is so dark I can't believe it. So are you still working for Becky? You need to tell her hello I miss you guys. My boys are so big hu? It is nuts how fast time goes by.