
I've got the Blue's...

So a couple weeks ago I added some Blue extensions in my hair. It was hard to get pictures of it...it looks better in person. Normally I don't have my hair curly like this but when I finally got around to taking pictures it was (makes it a little harder to see the hair, hence the picture of it straighten below). I love it so much...I love having something a little different, its pretty rad!

Is it bad I think this is hilarious?

This makes me laugh..it is sad but I love it! It sounds so familiar to me...Gotta find the joy in life, right?!


Goodbye 2009...Hello 2010

I am proud to say I am stoked for 2010...I have a feeling it will be a good year :). I celebrated the New Year with my fellow Utahan's by going down to Salt Lake to the Eve celebration. It was a good time. We took advantage of Front Runner & Trax and enjoyed listening to some Neon Tree's (a pretty cool Utah band), watched a comedy show, and danced into the New Year. No pictures unfortunately...I didn't have a place to carry my camera :(...the images are in my mind!
So we will rewind into previous events....


Christmas Day was a good day. My sister had to work that morning so I just sat around all morning, pretty much read till she got here around 1 and then we opened presents. I just got money to go towards my camera, so since I didn't have much to open I became the designated photography. Love the new camera! Still don't know how to use it though. Below is our beautiful Christmas Tree:
When everyone else came over we decided to try doing the nativity scene...never been attempted before! Casey & Kari where Mary & Joseph with Mia as baby Jesus, she fit the part perfect!
The boys were the Wise Man and they did such a wonderful job...

This is the whole gang that participated...as you can see my mom was Angel Gabriel and she wore her Snuggie as her Angel outfit...it was awesome!
Below are some snapshots of the Kids...I love them!
This has been one of the best Christmas's of my life. I was able to coordinate getting Christmas for two families in Inter-city Ogden for our singles ward. It was so stressful but one of the best experiences I have had. I am so grateful I was able to help these families have a good Christmas and to provide them with other stuff they can use and are in need of. I am so blessed to have the means to help others. I truly felt the true meaning of this Christmas this year. Life has kind of been crappy up until the past few months and I am so excited to see what this new year will bring with the new perspective I have on life...

Friend Christmas Party

Once again we had our wonderful Friend's Christmas Party. This year it was at Heidi's and it was a lot of fun. We always have a good time when we get together. We missed you this year Shauna! Andrea & Jaisha left before this picture was taking but here is the rest of us. I love getting together with this girls. They all have had such an amazing influence in my life and oh the good times we have had in the past :) Love ya girls!
Boston is so cute...he wanted to have his pillow like me. What a major cutie!
My friends make the GREATEST Moms ever!
Kar & Gavin:
Lauren & Treyden:
Heidi, Boston, & Carter:

I tried to get a picture of Jess but she wouldn't smile for the camera so none of her & Ethan...:(

New Camera Randomness...

'Tis the Season!

Friend Randomness..

This was after a Grizzles game...good times!

Enjoying some dinner at Zhangs Kitchen..and doing some random things, seems to happen a lot...